what if panic attacks were asteroids

would you take them more seriously? if i told you the

asteroids were aimed directly at earth, you’d probably

find a bunker and hide as deep

underground as you could go, praying

and hoping and wishing that you’re far enough

to avoid the blast—

but there’s no bunker in my brain

i can’t dig through my skin, carving

out bone and blood and muscle until i find

somewhere to take cover

from the explosions and the earthquakes

in my body, cracking my lungs, tearing my esophagus

until breathing becomes hyperventilating—

begging doesn’t work

the hollowed-out craters echo in my skull

no one believes that panic attacks are as crippling

as a mass extinction on earth, burning the sides

of my fingers like an asteroid in the atmosphere as it

singes its way to the surface, watching

everything crumble underneath.

first published in Spire Light


beyond the plants and linens


your laugh is a cloud in the soil